8th Waste, Continous Improvement: More work, less time. Create flow and work more efficient.
✅ 15+ years experience ✅ Various industries ✅ 8,6 average rating

8thwaste - Continuous Improvement

LEAN is about eliminating waste, and identifies 8 types. The 8th waste is the most damaging, wasting the human potential that is already in place. Use our LEAN training to maximize your team’s potential.


Training is ~20% of learning, applying what you learned accounts for the rest. We can help, with coaching and interim management.


Create your own progress using our bite-sized trainings. Pick and mix to suit your needs.



For an intense learning experience, join our training near Utrecht.



LEAN Thinking is all about eliminating waste. Waste basically comes in eight different forms. And the 8th one is about wasting human potential. For example, people….

LEAN Thinking is all about eliminating waste. Waste basically comes in eight different forms. And the 8th one is about wasting human potential. For example, people….

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